About Me

Photography is an art. It is a form of expression. It is not only capturing beauty, but presenting it. I first fell in love with photography the summer my sophomore year of high school. I had picked out my own new camera, a little blue Sony Cybershot. I was so excited because I had done extensive research to find the perfect camera for my current needs, and I had found it. That summer, my family went on a road trip to Arizona, where I was able to unleash the true power of this little camera. In fact, several shots in my gallery were captured with that camera on the trip. That school year, I was enrolled in a digital photography class. The class seemed to be more about how to use Photoshop rather than how to use and understand a camera. The skills I learned were very valuable, and I would not be the photographer I am today if I had not taken the class. As far as shooting is concerned, I learned through observation and seizing every opportunity to use a friend's DSLR when possible. As a junior in high school, I had decided that my dream camera was the Canon Rebel T3i. Everything about it fit my needs, and more. I dreamed
about owning this camera, but thought that it would always stay a dream because of the hefty price tag. I was thrilled on my 17th birthday to open a bag and find a brand new Rebel T3i inside. Since then I have aquired a new digital favorite--the Canon 5D Mark III. The rest is history.
I'd like to add that my work is not exclusively digital, though much of the content on this website is. I absolutely love shooting film and am learning more about it every roll. I develop my film myself so that I can have ultimate control of the results, and love the developing process. My website used to feature a film 'blog' section of sorts, but I ended up discontinuing this between 2017&2018. If you want to see more of my artistic and abstract photography, head over to my instagram (@g_lykins). There is technical data featured on nearly every film post too for my fellow analog junkies out there.
My Philosophy
I am highly critical of my work. I believe that if I am hired by someone to take photo, they should get the best, only the best, and nothing else. If there is anything you don't like about a photo and would like it to be fixed, I will do everything I can to resolve the issue.
Copyright Notice
©2013-2022 Grant Lykins. Images may not be copied, printed or otherwise disseminated without express written/electronic permission from Grant Lykins.
Images may be published on the condition that the photographer’s watermark has not been remoevd or obscured in any form, which is a violation of U.S. Copyright laws.
Images that are not watermarked are still property of the photographer unless permission is explicitly expressed through written or electronic communication.